Monday, April 25, 2016

Late night blogging and needing a vacation

This weekend leading into today has been such a whirlwind...mostly my fault for always cramming my weekends so full of horsey things, but also because today marked the first day of my new job.

Its always a bit unsettling starting anything new, but for some reason I didnt get nearly as anxious as I expected. The staff was really welcoming and the laid back atmosphere was really inviting (despite the historical mansion and upscale surroundings).

But this is a blog mostly about my adventures with Tillie so here's a weekend overview with detailed posts to follow.

Just love how she's got her mare face on here before the last fence of the course

Got to see one of my favorite students!!!

Jumping all the things (the skinny jumps), even mr wick's ears
Sunday we dressage

Not sure you can see, but I am smiling sooooo large here

Excuse my odd position...but at least Tillie makes up for it

Living by this lately....for so long I felt like we werent progressing, but those harder rides and struggle periods have led to this sweet spot we are in. While it may not last, I am going to ride that wave as long as it lasts! 


  1. Yay for new job not sucking! I also really love the turtle pic/quote. It is so true.

  2. Congrats on the start of a new job.

  3. Glad the new job is good.
