Friday, September 1, 2017

Winding down and getting wound up

So this week is winding down closer to the big day....and it means I am getting more wound up. Tillie was a tad foot sore Monday and Tuesday so was closely monitoring her and praying it would dissipate. Some bute, magic cushion seemed to do the trick since yesterday she felt pretty good.

Last jump school before the weekend!

I have talked about my nerves before...and this year they have been way better. I haven't really had crippling nerves or stomach flutters but leading up to this Saturday they are rearing their ugly heads again.

 I would be surprised if I didn't...I mean the move up from Training to Prelim is quite a leap. I just have to keep reminding myself this choice wasn't made lightly. It was made in conjunction with my trainers who all think we are more than ready. I need to focus on that and the fact our training is there and believe in it.

I don't think Tillie will have a problem with 3'7
I kept our jump school really light yesterday because of her feet. Luckily she jumped very well making it easier to call it a day after a few rounds. I know at this rate, its my nerves I need to keep in check.

Easier said than done though right?

Using guide rails to help with drifting and straightness
 The last thing I want is to have a prelim debut like our training one...where I get eliminated because I am not thinking straight. At the end of the day that training was still a confident building one, and luckily they let us still do XC...but I need to breath and not allow this to be so huge in my mind.

Its just another ride, at the level we have been doing all year - just not competing at it.

Tillie looks bored...

I need to keep two things in mind for tomorrow. Ride FORWARD and STRAIGHT. Don't let her drift left and ride her shoulders and don't get too greedy and adding before jumps. Let the mare move out.


  1. I bet you'll do great :) Forward, straight and do not add - my same self-talk all this summer before our derbies (except...eehhh, starter level, hahaha). good luck!

  2. You're going to do amazing!! Best of luck.

  3. You've got this!!
    Do like Daryl and Sue do (according to Denny) and just let the swear words roll in the startbox.
